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“ORIGA-ME” Exhibition by Hong Kong based artist Seema Mathew.

Seema Mathew is a self-taught Indian artist based in Hong Kong, a key component in her work is experimentation. Seema embraced art as her life’s calling in 2014 after recovery from serious illness. Her work has spiritual and philosophical undertones, the many layers of human nature reflected in the layers of ink and graphite. The complexity of human relationships and the struggle of the human against the environment are underlying themes in her work. 


The red square is Seema’s signature, an adaptation of the traditional Chinese artist’s name stamp. 


Seema was selected as an “Artist in the Spotlight 2021” by the prestigious Arte Laguna Prize Venice. 


The idea for “Origa-me” came to the artist during her experience with multiple reconstructive surgeries in 2012. Since that time, Seema has viewed her body as a “cut-and-paste” version of its former self. Though deeply personal, the piece also draws on the similarities between the inner geography of the human body and the natural world around us.


“ORIGA-ME” 展覽是在港藝術家Seema Mathew的作品展。

Seema Mathew 是一位在港印度裔素人藝術家,「試驗」是其作品的要素。2014 年,Seema經歷重病康復後,將藝術視為她生命中的使命。其作品以複雜的人際關係以及人類與環境的鬥爭作創作基礎,作品上的墨水層次反映著人性的不同層面,富有精神和哲學色彩。


Seema 在畫布上使用了中國水墨——這是她偶然發現的一種藝術創作方式,亦就此在其後的 5 年間進行了各種實驗和研究。她最近創作的系列作品皆運用了水溶性石墨以直觀的筆觸在亞麻紙上進行創作,再將亞麻紙以手工切割成不同形狀,並精確地粘附在耐久的裱褙板上。紅色方塊是Seema的署名,靈感來自中國傳統藝術的篆刻。


在2021年,Seema被享譽盛名的Arte Laguna Prize Venice選為 “Artist in the Spotlight 2021”。


Seema在 2012 年間進行了多次重建手術,自此,Seema誕生了「Origa-me」的意念,視其身體為過去自我的「切割」與「重組」。不僅是藝術家的個人作品,「Origa-me」同時也探討了人體深處與大自然之間的相似之處。

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